Thursday, October 07, 2010

Bringing Up Suppressed Memories

So Davey Ovey twittered the image below and said he just received it in an HTML spam email.  He felt violated.  Instead of feelings of violation, it waxes more nostalgic for me. (That is probably because I was not blasted with it from an unexpected email.)

There are several things from the land of web that have faded away over the years.  Just a few of my favorite are the blink tag, bevels on EVERYTHING and animated GIFs.  Every now and then I will come across someone "holding on" to one of these old trends.  I go back and forth in my head whether or not they are attempting to be retro or are they just clueless (I'm looking at you BAA). 

Given the word "Retro" in the GIF below I tend to think they are trying to be clever.  I guess this is kind of like wearing huge white socks with thick colored stripes at the top of them.  I love those socks.

(click the graphic for full animated goodness)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

but you know, the BAA site is not even a cool retro. yes, it brings up memories, but not the "man, that was a cool look" ones.