Monday, May 02, 2011

Spring Cleaning

So I'm in my cleaning mood and thought I would take advantage of it. There is something inside of me that just gets thrilled when I throw things away. It sounds weird- but it's true.
I've discovered that I'm a "closet hoarder." Ever since we lived in a 500 square foot apartment with just 1 closet, I learned to stuff closets to the brim. I try not to keep the rest of the house too cluttery (with the exception of the baby toys in the living room), but I sure know how to fill up a closet. The other day, I was at a friend's house and saw her daughter's closet. Everything was neatly organized and the closet was more of a sanctuary for toys/ clothing than it was a stockpile. I realized that something has to change and the skeletons need to come out of my closets (so to speak!) I got started in our master bedroom closet. I just got rid of about 20 outfits and probably need to get rid of another 30 before this is all over. I organized the desk in our room that has been piled high with papers etc. I got rid of 12 shirt boxes that I think I may someday wrap up for someone (although I've used gift bags at Christmas the past few years.)
I've discovered that there are a few things I have trouble parting with: picture frames (I have found about 25 unmatching picture frames that I've kept), and Christian books. As I have discovered some of these books I'm not ready to part with, I've also discovered that for a task-completer, I'm horrible at finishing a book. I'm in the middle of about 10 books that I've started since I've been working full-time (about the past 7 years.) Maybe I should start reading in my spare time instead of getting on facebook, checking e-mail etc..
So far, I have 4 bags of garage sale/ Goodwill items, 5 trash bags of junk that needs to hit the curb, a small pile of items to give to people, and a whole lot more stuff to go through. I'm trying not to be overwhelmed by this process and know I'll feel better on the other side.
I'm trying to remember the rule that if I haven't used it in a year, it's time to get rid of it. I did finally throw away a purse that I haven't used in 20 years.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Life is so funny sometimes, right before I saw your post I was cleaning and thinking about Spring cleaning and had the thought - my weekly cleaning getting done is a good enough goal, I am not worrying about Spring cleaning till I can pay someone to do it for me :). I must say though my closets are full though as well but I have cleaned out the girls clothes and took some to consign only to bring half home - not helpful :). As far as books when we moved Kathryn out of our room I cleaned up a lot of clutter that had accumulated and even some that had been there a while and found 5 unfinished books, you are not alone :). Good luck with the overhaul of the closets - way to go!!