Thursday, May 05, 2011

Kicked Out

So yesterday, on my first Wednesday off from work, I was called by the office. I was dreading listening to the voice message because I thought they were going to ask me to work for the month of May or something. Anyway, it was the secretary asking me if I had removed all of my personal items from the office. I said "not yet, I was planning on doing it next Friday- which is the next time I work." I knew they had not yet found a replacement, so I thought I had some time to gather my things. She said it would be best if I could do it sooner, so that she could get the room cleaned out. The good news is that they have a traveling therapist coming in June and another full-time who will also start around that same time. I'm so thankful. I knew I was supposed to leave and had to trust God that he would provide a replacement for my therapy clients.

So today, my sweet mother-in-law went with me to watch Kaitlyn while I packed up. I had about 25 textbooks, most of which I haven't opened in the past 7 years. I kept all of my class notes from every undergrad and grad class having to do with speech path. What I thought was going to take me 20 minutes, took about an hour and 1/2, but I did get it down to 2 large rubbermaids, 3 medium sized rubbermaids, and a few bags worth of stuff. So all this work I have done cleaning out our closets is almost counterproductive when I fill it up with this work clutter!

As I left, I gave the office one last look. I spent countless hours in that place with numerous different patients- some of which I loved and others who were more challenging. It's bitter-sweet. I'm very excited about being home more and not being torn between work and Kaitlyn, but at the same time, I'm sad to leave some of the children and families I've grown to love. All in all, I have no complaints about working at Providence hospital. It really was an ideal place to work. I made many friends, helped many patients (or at least I hope that I did) and grew as a therapist there. I'm thankful for the 7 years that I had at Providence and look forward to continuing there on an occasional (PRN) basis.

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