Thursday, March 31, 2011


When Kaitlyn saw the nurse practitioner last week, I mentioned that I was an SLP. She said another speech-pathologist mom she had kept a huge calendar and wrote down the exact day her child said a word. Well, I'm not that organized about it, but I did decide to make a list of the words she is saying, mainly for my knowledge when I go back and read my blog. I'm not trying to compare her to any other child or brag or anything, but, being an SLP, her ability to speak and communicate is very important to me and a primary area of focus. I'm sure physical therapist moms work on their kids sitting and walking and artsy moms teach their kids art.
I added a word to the list when Kaitlyn used it appropriately in context at least twice. By no means does she usually verbalize or always say the words in repetition after me. But she has said the following words:
up, down, mo/more, mama, dada, cup, ball, dog, hi, bye, book, go, wawa/water, no.

My only concern for poor Kaitlyn when I quit work is all of my speech therapy efforts (that are now spent on about 10 clients) will be focused on her. Poor thing- one day she will clearly say, "Mom, stop with the speech therapy please." I hope she doesn't rebel like I did. My mother would always encourage reading so much that I went the opposite direction and either read what I shouldn't (Babysitter's Club!) or chose not to read at all. I realize that was a mistake on my part looking back, but hindsight is 20-20. I need to start praying against that rebellious spirit in my daughter!

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