Last night, I calculated that in exactly 1 week, Kaitlyn will be outside my stomach just as long as she was inside. Crazy how much faster the time flies when babies are outside the womb.
Katie Sue was 9 months old yesterday. We don't go to the doctor until next week, so I don't know her stats, other than she's heavy and growing (mostly taller)!
-She wears some 9 month clothes and now is primarily in 12-month clothes.
- She walks well when holding your fingers and is able to walk while pushing her lion and baby stroller around. She is pulling up on everything, and cruising around furniture.
- Kaitlyn is starting to exert that little will of hers. She will occasionally respond to "no," and is starting to understand that when I say "no" she shouldn't smile in return. We are even having to discipline her a little bit (light thump on the hand) to help her know that she is not supposed to eat rocks that are in our ficus tree or Sophie's dog food.
- She is getting better at letting her needs be known through signing and talking. She consistently says "dada, mama, ma (more), ba (ball)" at the appropriate times. She will occasionally say "bye-bye", wa (water), uh (up), boo (book), and hi.
- When she is ready to nurse, she will sign "More" or "milk" and expect a quick response from me. I was asked the other day if she is trying to wean herself, and the answer is no- in fact, just the opposite. She loves her milk and I will probably have some difficulty weaning her in 3 months.
- She is down to 2 naps per day at about 9-10:30 and 1-2:30.
- Kaitlyn is a quick learner and enjoys playing. Her new favorite game is to chase the red ball around the room. Great exercise for my chunky monkey! She's at a fun age, apart from the discipline (which I realize will be ongoing for the rest of her childhood!!)

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