Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Go Texans!

For Micah's birthday, I decided it would be fun to take him to a Texan's game. Since we were already in the Houston area for a wedding last weekend, and my mom would be in town to babysit, we decided to go last Sunday. It was a lot of fun! We were at the tippy top of the stands in the only 2 seats I could find together (for a reasonable price) on the 3 websites I searched. We met some friends pre-game for tailgating. Next time I go to a game, I'm going to bring my noise canceling headphones, like the little boy sitting in front of us had. Micah seemed to enjoy it, although he did say that he might take one of his guy friends the next time he goes since he thinks they will be more enthusiastic (I almost fell asleep at halftime due to lack of sleep the previous 2 nights- the Aggie band was playing- what can I say?)

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