Tuesday, September 06, 2011

The Whinies

Before you start to think that I think my daughter is perfect, read this post. I mean, I love her to death and wouldn't trade her for the world, but this new phase she is going through is very trying for me. I feel like we are hitting the terrible two's early or something.
Kaitlyn whines- and the sound is cacophony to my ears. She's incredibly loud and demanding. She says the same word(s) over and over again for what she wants and expects me to give it to her immediately. Some days, I feel like I've created a monster! At least she is able to express what she wants (I would say about 90% of the time, which is quite impressive for her age), but we need to learn a few new lessons:
1. how to shhhh and talk in a reasonable volume.
2. how to be patient if what she wants cannot be given right away
3. that repeating the same word over and over does not always get results.
4. that mommy loses patience when the whining begins and discipline may ensue.

I'm getting nervous about the plane ride to North Carolina. Her first time on a plane. Hope the fellow passengers don't hate us by the time it's all over!

Okay- I feel better just getting that out. I don't want to use this blog to point out all of Kaitlyn's faults, but the truth is that sometimes parenting is hard and frustrating and that's all there is to it!

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