Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Visiting Louisiana- July

In mid-July, we decided to make a trip to Louisiana to specifically see Momo (since my parents would be coming to Waco the following week). It's so nice to be able to travel for a week and not to have to ask anyone for time off from work! After looking at the calendar through the end of the year, we discovered that our only other free weekend was Labor Day weekend, and since we were traveling all the weekends around that weekend, we thought July would be best. Kaitlyn was a little ham and showed off for Momo and Papa. We stayed with them 3 nights and with Mamaw & Granddad three nights.Playing "Baby" with Mamaw
Saying "hi" to Papa- she literally did this about 1000 times!

Train ride with Momo. Highlight of the trip for Mo.
Sitting with Momo

She loved seeing the cows and going on adventures with Granddad.
We got to see several cousins who were also in Alexandria at the same time. Momo was on cloud 9!
Isn't it beautiful? One of my favorite places in the world.
This was at a casino in Marksville. Glamour girl.

It was a fun, relaxed trip. I'm glad Kaitlyn gets to enjoy her grandparents and great-grandparents. What a blessing!

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