Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I Can't Believe I Found It!

And soooo completely by accident.  I made a picture a very long time ago and I thought it was lost.  Today in trying to recover from one catastrophe and avoid another I stumbled on an old external harddrive.

I plugged it in to see if I could erase it and use it for other purposes and staring right at me was a folder that rang a bell in the far depths of my memory.

I found it.

I give you the Smith kids.

The hilarious part is that Ryan and Angela were just in town for Homecoming and this picture came up and I said that I was pretty sure that it was lost forever.


Unknown said...

Wow! I had forgotten how bad that picture was. I'm going to have nightmares now.

micah said...

Don't talk about your future kids that way...

stephanie said...

Ha ha ha ha! What a good laugh.