Usually we spend Easter in Louisiana with my family, but this year I was on-call for work, so we stayed in town. Micah's family started celebrating Easter a couple of years ago when my nephew, Caleb, was old enough to start hunting for Easter eggs.
This is my 6-month old Nephew, Hunter. He's still too young to hunt eggs. :)

Caleb found an egg!

Go! Go! Go! (Not sure who he was racing against since he was the only kid finding eggs!)

The attack of the ants. After he got bit, finding eggs wasn't as much fun anymore.

Micah with the chocolate pound cake my Momo always makes. I made it this year in her honor. Micah dyed the coconut green and wanted to take credit for making the whole cake (but I didn't let him!)

My bunny cake that I make every year. This one was a spice cake with cream cheese icing.

Some of today's entertainment included games for the older kids (our generation). We played memory with cards and answered some creative questions to obtain eggs with money in them! Very fun (except Micah is so good at memory, he ended up with much more money than I did and is not sharing!!)
1 comment:
Yep! The Lamb family motto has always been:
"I won't go to church! And I won't go to school!
That stuff is for sissies, but bunnies are cool!"
I don't want no pickles, I don't want no honey
I just want a plate and a fork and a bunny!
I don't want to tell you a joke that is funny
I just want a plate and a fork and a bunny!
I don't want a tissue when my nose is runny
I just want a plate and a fork and a bunny!
I don't want to play on a day that is sunny
I just want a plate and a fork and a bunny!
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