Wednesday, July 14, 2010

1 month old

Today Kaitlyn is 1 month old.  Hard to believe it has already been a month. 
Here is her schedule thus far today: 
After going to bed at 10:00 last night, she woke up at 2 and 5 to eat, then went immediately back to sleep.
She woke up for good at 7:50 AM, said bye to daddy and ate
8:40-10:15 drive to and visit the zoo (she slept the whole time!)  We went by ourselves today, after going yesterday with some friends. 
10:15 stop by and have a cup of Starbucks with dad (a little fussy, but the pacifier actually soothed her this time)
10:45 eat again
12:15-1:45 nap
1:45 eat
2:30 until now- nap again

Tonight we are having dinner with some friends, so I hope she is good.  Night time tends to be her fussy time, usually starting at 7.  Yesterday, I tried the Baby Bjorne, at the advice of a friend, and she was very content for the 30 minutes I had it on. 

She is a good eater, pooper, and sleeper.  I am so fortunate that she is considered to be "sleeping through the night" at this early age (which is only 5 hours this young, according to most experts).  Thankfully, I am not very tired.  I get about 8 hours of sleep total at night and then take 1 nap in the daytime. 

Kaitlyn is very expressive.  She has many facial expressions up her sleeve.  In 1 minute's time, I can take pictures of her and she has multiple different looks on her face, from pouting to smiling, to mischievous looking.

We seem to have the nursing thing down, although that was very frustrating at first.  I will tell other moms to stick with it through the first few weeks, even when it's hard and painful.  It will save you $80 a month not to have to buy formula.  It's also a neat bonding experience.

I'm glad she is at the age now that I feel comfortable getting out of the house more.  We don't go anywhere that there are a lot of people or germs (like the grocery store), but we enjoy getting out about once a day to run by Sonic, go to the zoo, go visit daddy at work etc.  I have also brought her up to Providence twice for my co-workers to meet her. 

Micah's mom has been very helpful and willing to pick up anything we need at the store.  My parents and grandparents came the first week (for about 3 days) to help with Kaitlyn.  It was nice to let other people hold her while I slept and to have good meals (as well as not having to do the dishes). 

We also have wonderful friends who brought meals every other day for about 2 weeks.  We ate everything from chicken spaghetti to Rosa's mexican food.  It was so nice not to have to cook early on. 

My goal is to get better about blogging in the next month.  Now that I know her schedule a little better and everything doesn't feel quite so new, hopefully I will be able to do so.

Here are some pics from the first month.

 My favorite hospital pose

Grandparents and great-grandparents

Our favorite picture of her to date.  Micah got her to smile by saying her name.

Another cute one..

1st walk at age 2 1/2 weeks

1 month old- picture from today at the zoo.

1 comment:

Natalie Ward said...

Cant believe she is one month already... What a beauty!!