Saturday, September 25, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

We went to the Kaska Family Farm pumpkin patch this morning with our friends, the Rogers and the Wards.  Kaitlyn slept through half of it.  We got lost in the corn maize (literally, and had to go back out the entrance, only to find out we were about 50 feet from the exit!)  We took a tractor ride in a cow car.  Kaitlyn wouldn't smile much for the camera, but we got a few funny shots.  I'm hoping Mandy got some better ones with her high quality camera.  Here are a few pictures from today.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Banning All Bottles

All of a sudden, Kaitlyn has decided she does not want to take a bottle.  Today I had to leave work in the afternoon to go nurse her because she had gone 6 hours without eating.  Starting at age 1 month, we would give her an occasional bottle, and she only refused one (because it was cold.)  When I brought her to Natalie's, the first day I went back to work on 9/1, she did not want to take that first bottle especially.  After that, she did okay, although it was not her favorite activity.  This past weekend, I was on-call for the hospital and (of course) had to go in for 4 hours both days.  Micah kept Kaitlyn and she absolutely did not want her bottle on Saturday (crying louder than she ever has.)  On Sunday, she took a little, got choked, and then refused the rest.  Perhaps the flow-rate is too fast for her?
Tonight Micah bought two new kinds of bottles- Dr. Browns and Playtex Drop-Ins.  So far, the Playtex one has not been effective.  She played with it a little, but did not get any milk out.  I have read that Mom is not the best person to give the bottle to baby because they can smell the breast milk, and prefer that of course.  I'm going to call the wonderful lactation consultant, Gayle, at Providence tomorrow to ask for further advice as well as the pediatrician.  I've read that if the baby is hungry enough, they will take it, but today, Kaitlyn proved this was not true for her.  She is stubborn enough to hold out for mom.
I'm not worried about her wasting away- the child has plenty of extra reserves.  It does stress me out to no end to know my baby is not okay when I"m off at work all day.  Makes me feel guilty.  Makes me feel really bad for Natalie.
Going back to work has brought on mixed emotions.  On the one hand, it's nice to do something different during the day twice a week, see all my patients, have adult conversations, make some money, use my skills etc..  On the other hand, it is painful to leave Kaitlyn.  I now know how working moms feel, especially when they want to be at home with their little ones.  I love my job and they have been more than accommodating with my hours/ days of the week etc., but my priorities have changed a bit in the last 3 months.  It's a hard switch when I used to be somewhat of a workaholic.
I know that there are numerous hurdles that will come up in raising a child.  This is one of the many things I will have to deal with- be persistent with.  I want to just breastfeed her whenever possible and not have to worry about her crying or not liking bottles.  I want to take the easy way out.  BUT, if I choose to work (and if I think I'm supposed to work), then the child will have to take some bottles.  It would also be nice for our date night (if we ever have one) and other occasions.  We will try again tomorrow.  Hopefully she will make some positive associations with the bottle and we will get past this resistance.  I'm praying so!

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Good Little Traveler

We went to Louisiana for Labor Day weekend to see Kaitlyn's maternal grandparents and great-grandparents.  Cousin Barbara, whom Kaitlyn will call "Aunt Barbara" since I'm an only child, and my uncle Jimmy and aunt Carol also came to see her.

Kaitlyn was great both ways in the car (7 hours each way).  Hardly a peep out of her!!  She slept most of the time, but would stay awake when I sat in the back with her for awhile.  We stopped twice to nurse her and the trip that usually took us 6 1/2 hours now only takes 7.  On the way, we decided to get up at 4 AM to leave so that it would still be dark and she would sleep better.  We considered doing the same on the way back and decided not to so she could get more time with the grandparents and so we wouldn't be so tired.  Her schedule was thrown off a little bit, but not too bad.

The first night we were there, Kaitlyn came down with what we hope is allergies (severe congestion, no fever, still good disposition).  We considered going to the emergency clinic there in Alexandria, but it seemed like overkill for her symptoms.  We are going to Dr. NeSmith today to confirm our diagnosis and determine whether there is anything we can give her with her being so young.  She sure hates the saline drops up the nose and the "booger sucker."  We haven't been able to let her sleep on her back because she has trouble breathing, so she has been sleeping either in her car seat or in the swing.

Here are some pictures from the trip.
 On the way in the car- A happy little camper!
 A shot of her chunky little hand.  So sweet.  I need to cut her nails.  I can't believe the I-Phone 4 takes such good shots.
 What a good Granddad!  He liked to hold her even though she would poop or spit up on him.
 "Aunt" Barb
 Momo and Kaitlyn napping together.

Kaitlyn and Mamaw.  My child does do more than sleep, but I always seemed to have the camera out when she was sleeping.

She better get used to the trip- we are planning on going again for Thanksgiving and the weekend before Christmas.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

New Desktop

So I got inspired by Natalie's desktop background she posted the other day and decided to make my own.   Keeping something like this on my background staring back at me helps me to keep things in perspective.